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Meet Dr. Charles Dwamena

Dr. Charles Dwamena

Dr. Charles Dwamena

Dear Patriot, Kukurudu.

I am Dr Charles Dwamena, a former Deputy Ambassador of Ghana to China and a former Director of Finance and Administration at the Party Headquarters.

I believe that if we want to break the 8, things should not be business as usual in the Party and so I have decided to contest the position of National Treasurer when the Party opens nominations.

And I wish to share with you a few thoughts on why I intend contesting for the National Treasurer position when the Party opens nominations.


1. I believe is it only an NPP Government that can transform this country and make it great and prosperous.
2. For that to happen, the Party must be able to stay in power for at least 4 terms and that requires a stronger Party.
3. Building a stronger Party to a very large extent depends on how we are able to efficiently manage the Party’s Treasury hence my decision to contest the National Treasurer position so as to bring about the needed change.

In doing so, I will be looking at two key issues:

A. Effective Resource Mobilization
B. Efficient Resource Utilization

Effective Resource Mobilization:-I believe that for the Party to be able to effectively mobilize resources,
I. There should be enhanced transparency and accountability on all funds mobilized
II. Greater recognition and appreciation should be accorded to all those who donate to the party, irrespective of the amount
III. There should be training for all constituency officers, particularly the treasurers and financial secretaries
IV. Membership dues collection should be decentralized to make it convenient for people to pay their monthly dues.
V. Other sources of revenue for the Party, including filing fees, donor funding support, revenue from SPVs, should be streamlined

Efficient Resource Utilization:-
Having mobilized the needed resources, I believe that the resources should be applied efficiently to energize the Party’s base. Some of the efficient ways of utilizing resources to energize the party’s base include:

I. HREP-Human Resource Empowerment Program. This is a proposal for the party to purposefully offer scholarships to the Youth and Tescon students to attain higher education both home and abroad so that the party will have an empowered base going into the future.

II. BIF-Business Incubation Fund. This is a proposal for the party to support officers and members in the various constituencies, who so desire, to set up businesses or expand existing ones through a TMF model.

III. PMP-Political Mentorship Program. This is a program aimed at assigning TESCON students and the youth to experienced politicians for a limited time frame to afford the students the opportunity of learning practical political and leadership skills as well as having the opportunity to build political networks. Beneficiaries shall be paid allowances so that they do not become a financial burden on their Mentors.

IV. Welfare Fund- this is a fund that will be operational at the various constituencies and will be a source of support to constituency officers and party members in good standing in times of financial need.

V. MICRO-Monthly Imprest to Constituency and Regional Offices- this is meant make funds available to the various constituencies so as to ensure efficient administration of the party offices across the nation.

The above proposals, and many others are proposals I put out in 2018 when I was in the race for the same position but had to pull out of the race at the eleventh hour in the interest of the Party and Government.
I believe these proposals are still very relevant and needed in the Party.
For that to happen, we must first be able to secure the mandate of the people.
I am by this inviting you to join me as I reach out to the people in my quest to secure their mandate to serve them.
With God on our side, together we can achieve victory and build a highly resourceful Party for sustained political power.
