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Legacies Beyond Reputation

There is a difference between your reputation and your legacy.

A reputation is an estimation by which a name is recognized. It’s also the position one holds in the opinion of others. We earn reputation over some time. A legacy however is an inheritance, that belongs to others when one has exited their position.

Your reputation is what men say about you; your legacy is what you leave behind when you go. What kind of legacy are you going to leave? Is it one that will last for generations or one that will die when you die?

Dr Charles Dwamena seeks to leave a LEGACY within the NPP, where the grassroots and the youth shall significantly be empowered via his Human Resource Empowerment Program.

Dr China’s Business Incubation Fund policy shall be the game changer where the grassroots shall be given a start up capital to start their own businesses if he is given the mandate as the National Treasurer of the NPP.

A worthy cause which must be embraced by all.
He’s the Deal Breaker of our time.

#Tetelestai _ Nyame_Awie
#I support Dr China